304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Free maintenance regulations

1. During the warranty period, if the user correctly follows the instructions of the manual, stickers, etc. and uses our products, our company will repair the faulty products free of charge.

2. During the warranty period, if the problem is caused by defects in materials or workmanship, Ottoor will provide replacement parts without charging any fees, based on normal installation and use. If Ottoor cannot provide replacement and repair, the customer can choose to refund the purchase price or replace the product.

3. If damage occurs during the warranty period and free repair is required, please activate the product first and apply for after-sales repair service online.

4. During the warranty period, repairs in the following cases are paid repairs:
a) Failures and damages caused by improper use or improper repairs and modifications performed privately. b) Failures and damages caused by carelessness or negligence during installation.
c) Failures and damages caused by removal after installation.
d) Failures and damages caused by using the product outside the scope of use (such as using household items as business products).
e) Damage caused by sand or dirt.
f) Failures such as dirtiness and rust on the electroplated parts caused by improper daily maintenance.
g) Failures and damages caused by fire, earthquake, flood, lightning strike and other natural disasters, pollution, gas damage (liquefied gas), salt damage and abnormal voltage, use of power supply (voltage, frequency) other than specified, etc.
h) Cases not specified in this warranty.
i) Products for which warranty service has not been activated.
j) Cases where the purchase receipt cannot be presented.

5. This regulation is only applicable to mainland China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.